Knowledge Base Software

Self-service, central repository of information for your customers.

What is knowledge base software?

Knowledge Base Solution

Create unlimited knowledge base articles for different brands and products.

Design and manage your documentation publishing process.

Powerful search function so help centers get instant answers.

Finding solutions by searching the knowledge base for relevant articles based on the keywords in the tickets.

Apply tags to articles to organize your content library.

Measure article engagement in terms of views, likes, dislikes, and comments.

Manage categories

Organize your knowledge base tool categories, sections, and articles to appear in the desired order.

Categories & sections

Use categories and sections to organize and group your articles up to 3 levels.

Drag & drop to organize

Organize articles by dragging and dropping them among categories and sections.

Category-level access

Category-level access allows you to limit the visibility of an article to specific users.

Powerful Article Editor 

With a simple yet powerful visual editor, creating and editing help articles is now easier than ever.

The Markdown editor makes it simple to create, edit, and style knowledge base articles.

The powerful visual editor built into the knowledge base provides advanced options for creating and editing content.

Auto save

Unpublished changes to an article are automatically saved as drafts.

When you make changes to articles, a new version is saved automatically.

Instant preview

View how your articles will appear to your customers before publishing them.

Attach multiple files to your articles up to 30 MB. 

Images and videos

Insert an image from your computer or insert an inline image. Embed a video from a third-party website (YouTube, Vimeo).


Using the Markdown/HTML editor, create table rows and columns in your KB articles.

Code blocks enable you to display source code in your article with syntax highlighting.

Knowledge Base Platform

Multilingual Knowledge Base

Engage and Collaborate with Knowledge Base Tools


Receive feedback from end users and maintain an article's quality and usefulness.

Private notes

Private notes enable agents to collaborate with each other in a help center for internal communication.


Mention agents in a message to alert them when their attention is needed.

Satisfaction feedback

Allow visitors to rate knowledge base article or provide more detailed feedback if they do not find it helpful.

Lock comments

Enable or disable commenting on specific articles or commenting altogether.

We’ve Got What You Need

Article templates contain pre-defined articles that are structured in a specific order. These templates aid in the creation of a consistent structure for knowledge articles. 

Specify an expiration date for an article, after which it will no longer be accessible to visitors. 

Using the Reorder Articles, you can specify a custom sort order for articles inside a category. 

Clone article

Cloning an article allows you to create a draft version that a user can edit with new changes.

Share article

Visitors can share knowledge base articles on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. 

Indicate to visitors whether knowledge base article was recently added or updated. 

Full screen editor

Fullscreen mode allows writers to edit their content without distraction. 

Article advance filter

Search and filter the articles based on specific criteria. 

Internal Knowledge Base

SEO & Social Tools

Optimize your help center content for search engines and social media. 

On-page SEO

Add meta titles, descriptions, and keywords to articles to improve search engine rankings.

SEO-friendly URLs

Create SEO-friendly URLs for all of your articles to make them easily searchable for search engine browsers.

Sitemap generation

Create an XML sitemap of the knowledge base pages to help search engines find your content.

Open graph

When you share your article on social media, it looks right.

Branding & Customization

Customize satisfaction feedback

Customize the feedback label, rating options, feedback message options, and success message.

White labelling

Customize the knowledge base site with your company logo, colors, and login options.

Custom domain

Map your custom domain for your knowledge base site.

Built-in SSL

Every site includes SSL support for free; SSL provisioned from Let’s Encrypt!

SEO sitemap frequency

Sitemap frequency tells search engines how frequently a page's content changes.

Article configuration

Configure article display attributes like related and recent articles, share article, read time, updated date, and show comments.

Safe & Secure

Control agents’ access to help center articles by giving them certain permissions.

Single sign-on with BoldDesk allows users to log in and access their help center account with a single set of credentials by using SSO systems such as Office 365, OAuth 2.0 providers, and OpenID.

Password policies

Create password policies to enforce secure, strong passwords, password rotation frequency, and password expiration to meet your security standards.

IP restrictions allow you to limit the IP addresses from which your organization can access the help center.

Audit logs contain information about specific events or operations, such as access, change details, and who performed an action.

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